Welcome to the Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs
"Celebrating 90 years in service to our communities. 1933-2023"
About Us
With concerns about our environment being foremost in our minds we have embraced the promotion of better environmental practices. We are using more sustainable gardening practices with less dependence on chemicals. We are using water more sparingly, composting and recycling; using more native plants and providing for our pollinators and wildlife.
A welcome message from the President
of Washington State Federation
of Garden Clubs.
I'm proud and happy to have recently been installed as the new President of the Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs (WSFGC). It is an active, vibrant organization with much to offer current and future members. There are nearly 100 Garden Clubs throughout the state (see the Clubs/Membership tab) that are welcoming members and want to invite YOU to visit. You can easily contact them through their Facebook pages, websites, by following the link to Membership Chairman Judy Swortz, or by opening the roster for the Clubs at Large.
Our Garden Clubs' interests are diverse. Some focus on creative floral design, others specialize in horticulture. Many have programs with youth, municipalities, environmental concerns and continuing education. Flower Shows are a favorite, as it allows the members to share their creative talents through floral design, indoor and outdoor gardening, education displays, botanical arts and more! The one common thread among the clubs and members is FUN. If laughter is indeed good for the soul, you can be sure your soul will be in good hands!
The only way you can find out if membership in the WSFGC is for you, is to go "outside the box" and reach out to one of our clubs. Don't be embarrassed or dismayed if at one visit it turns out it's not a good fit. Club Presidents will help you find another that matches your interests and talents.
At the recent installation I shared my theme for 2023-2025 term which is, "Nurture People, Nurture Plants, Nurture Our Planet" and how I picture our organization moving forward. I invite you to click on the link below to learn more. Plan to visit a Garden Club soon!
Suzann Stahl, President
Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs
Click on Link
"Nurture People, Nurture Plants, Nurture Our Planet"
WSFGC Officers 2023-2025
President, Suzann Stahl
First Vice President,
Dorrie Carr
Second Vice President,
Lenda Sundene
Treasurer, Susan Nash
Recording Secretary,
Linda Haas
Dues Secretary, Dorothy Bertram
Corresponding Secretary,
Ellen Daly
Investment Officer,
Gale Baullinger
Parliamentarian, Jeanette Pruin
Former President, Anne Sullivan
The 2023-2025 WSFGC Roster of Officers, District Directors, Awards Chairmen & Committee Chairmen (Rev: 6-11-2023) is found in the "Member's Only" menu of this website.
Please note: This Roster list is temporary until such time that the 2023-2025 Directory is distributed, in late August 2023. Any changes to the roster should be directed to Ellen Daly, Directory Editor ASAP.