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Planting Trees and Saving Forests


For many years, National Garden Clubs, Inc. and the USDA Forest Service have maintained a partnership sustaining our national forests through the Plant-A-Tree program. Plant-A-Tree, formerly known as Penny Pines, is a reforestation and forest education program.


Your garden club can participate by contributing to this meaningful conservation project. All contributions help the Forest Service to plant trees across the national forest system where reforestation is needed most—the places most impacted by wildfires, flooding, drought, and other forest disturbances.


                                                       NEW OPTIONS FOR DONATIONS

Thank you for your generous support of the Penny Pines Program over the years.  Your gift of trees has helped play a vital role in reforesting and revitalizing our national forests and will be enjoyed by generations to come.    
As you may know, the US Forest Service has made some recent changes to the program including a new name known as “Plant-A-Tree” and now offers an easier way to donate and support reforestation projects across the United States.  As a result, National Garden Club has revised their donations methods as well.

The good news is there are now two ways to donate.  Either through National Garden Club, Inc., or direct to the US Forest Service.



1.  DONATE ONLINE Donating online is the preferred way to reduce paper waste.  Please click on: Plant-A-Tree | National Garden Clubs, Inc. to learn more about donating through NGC.
2.  DONATE BY MAIL For those who wish to make a donation by check, please click on:    Plant-A-Tree | National Garden Clubs, Inc.  for further NGC instructions on this donation method. All checks are payable to “NGC Plant-A-Tree.”
3. DONATION AMOUNT Previously, donations were made in increments of $68.00. Donors can now contribute any amount, starting from as little as $50.00 to as large as $10,000.00. Note: Donations through NGC are now subject to a 10% service fee.
4.  CERTIFICATES As of May 31st, 2025, mailed certificates will no longer be provided in efforts to “Go Green.”  However, if you provide an email address, NGC will provide a “digital” certificate that donors can customize and print out themselves.
5.  DONATING TO SPECIFIED FORESTS You may choose to have your donation go where it’s most needed or you may select a National Forest; however, the Forest Service reserves the right to utilize funds based on need.  If you specify a National Forest where there is no tree planting need, then the donation may be used for planting trees on another forest.
6.  REPORTING The amount of these donations will be tracked by NGC and reported to the state Plant-A-Tree Chairman so we all can see the impact we’re having on planting trees.



1.  WHERE TO DONATE If you choose to donate online through the US Forest Service,

click on the link below and complete their online donation instructions:
                                        Plant-A-Tree Program. Tree Donation
2.  DONATION AMOUNT You can contribute any amount from $10.00 to $10,000.00.  
No service fee is applied to your donation.
3.  CERTIFICATES In recognition for your donation, an optional customized “Plant-A-Tree” certificate can be sent to you or to another person named by you.  You can choose from three styles of certificates and select to have the certificate honor, memorialize, or celebrate a loved one. And, you have delivery preferences: The US Forest Service will email you a link to a downloadable PDF or ship you a printed certificate (only in the US.)
4.  DONATING TO SPECIFIED FOREST Like the NGC program, you may choose to have your donation go to where it’s needed most or you may select a National Forest; however, the US Forest Service reserves the right to utilize funds based on need.
5.  REPORTING The amount of these donations will have to be tracked by your Garden Club and/or District, then reported to “Plant-A-Tree” Chair, Julie Darby at email:
to be combined with totals from NGC.

Both methods have been updated to streamline the donation process ensuring your support makes an immediate impact on our reforestation projects.

Again, thank you to our garden clubs for your ongoing commitment to our national forests. Your generosity has and will continue to make a significant difference.  Together, let’s nurture the “green heart” of our country through the “Plant-A-Tree” program!


WSFGC Plant-A-Tree Chairperson:  Julie Darby



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