Welcome to the Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs
"Celebrating 90 years in service to our communities. 1933-2023"
Scholarship Recipients 2024
Members of the WSFGC have contributed to seven annual scholarships, with each recipient receiving $2,000. Selection of the students is made by their respective department chairs. The scholarships are distributed among Western Washington University's Huxley College of the Environment (one scholarship), the University of Washington (three scholarships), and Washington State University (three scholarships).
Mate Pasztor
Western Washington University
College of the Environment
WSFGC Scholarship
Mate Pasztor is majoring in Environmental Studies, with an emphasis on Community Resilience and Social Justice, this aligns with his passion for making a positive impact. He is eager to contribute to local communities wherever he goes as well to the global community we all share.
Griffin Cronk
University of Washington
College of Built Environments,
Department of Landscape Architecture
Verna J. Weiler Scholarship
Jaxon Roller
We have a National Garden Clubs, Inc. Winner!
​​Winner of the 2024 NGC
$3900 Violet Gose Scholarship
Jaxon Roller is a Landscape Design graduate student at the University of Washington. His goal is to become an ecological urban designer, mitigating the climate and biodiversity crises through projects that prioritize rewilding and sustainable transportation. He aims to create regenerative urban environments that restore natural processes, allow access to nature within cities and foster ecological justice.
Gavin Gascho
University of Washington
College of Arts and Sciences,
Department of Biology
May Garrett Hayes Scholarship
Gavin Gascho is an undergraduate junior studying Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology. He hopes to one day pursue a career in plant biology and ecological research. He is currently working as an undergraduate research assistant in the Imaizumi lab, where he manages the care for plants and measures the growth in order to discern the physiological changes that occur when genes are mutated.
Hanna Palmer
University of Washington
School of Environmental and Forest Services
Violet Nevitt Goss Scholarship
Hanna Palmer is an undergraduate studying environmental science and Chinese. She has a passion for connection people with the natural world and has participated in fieldwork both in the US and abroad to further understand how to engage communities with responsible land stewardship. She aspires to assist nonprofit organizations in providing people with accessible information about the environment and ways to engage with nature after graduation.
Anthony DeLuca
Washington State University
Department of Crop & Soil Sciences
WSFGC Scholarship
Anthony DeLuca is a senior majoring in Agricultural Biotechnology with a focus on plant pathology. He aspires to pursue a master’s degree in plant pathology and work to develop methods and techniques to ensure food security in the United States.
Jasmine Rodriguez-Lara
Washington State University
School of Design and Construction
Landscape Architecture
WSFGC Scholarship
Jasmine Rodriguez-Lara is a third-year first-generation student. She has been participating in a community design project in Spokane for the WSU Health Sciences Campus. This has been an amazing opportunity to improve her skills and experience a real hand-on design project. After graduation she plans to enter the urban planning design field.
Sophie LeBard
Washington State University
Department of Horticulture
Mrs. Frank S. Greeley Scholarship
Sophie LeBard is a senior studying Landscape, Nursery and Greenhouse Management. While at WSU she has enjoyed being in the greenhouses and being a member of the Horticulture club. Her dream career is to grow flowers for wholesale and create floral designs for weddings.