Welcome to the Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs
"Celebrating 90 years in service to our communities. 1933-2023"

WSFGC President's Goals
Nurture People - Nurture Plants - Nurture Our Planet
Nurture People
• Emphasize kindness, respectfulness, and inclusiveness in all our communications.
• Improve Communications with one another with:
• Monthly Zoom meetings for Executive Committee members (Officers and District Directors)
• Continue the “Get Connected” Zoom forum with a shift in emphasis on Club Presidents.
• Initiate a Committee “Garden Club Websites” to help clubs increase their visibility on the internet.
• Increase support for virtual Club and District meetings with training to districts and clubs in central
• Increase networking among clubs, districts and plant societies to grow members and affiliates.
Nurture Plants
• Include a presentation at each Board meeting on pollinators, native plants, and other horticulture.
• Raise awareness about the Penny Pines program. Challenge the Clubs to “up” their participation so we can plant more trees!
• Increase our efforts on learning more about native plants for birds and other wildlife, including
building pollinator gardens.
• Clubs will be encouraged to plan and promote Arbor Day activities that include the public.
Nurture our Planet
• Clubs are encouraged to participate in the Trex Bench Challenge project to help reduce the levels of plastic film landfills.
Details are on the WSFGC website.
• All members are encouraged to hold virtual meetings, when possible, as opposed to in-person meetings. The goal is to reduce
gasoline emissions.
• Increase our knowledge of what our state is doing to address climate change issues and what members can do to address these issues.
• Clubs will be encouraged to educate their members and the public to understand the effects of pesticides, the role of native pollinators
and plants, and the importance of leaving natural areas in our parks, lawns, and forests.
• District Directors and CAL Presidents are asked to share environmental activities in their community, and bring new ideas to
Board meetings so we can learn from each other.
• Hold an NGC Environmental School in our state in the next two years.
Suzann Stahl
WSFGC President