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Blue Star and Gold Star Memorials
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Throughout the state, WSFGC member clubs work diligently to improve the world we live in.  Here are some of the ways our members make a difference.  To make a donation to any of these projects, click on the "Donate" button above.


The Kelso Garden Club dedicated a Gold Star Memorial By-Way Marker in Tam O'Shanter Park on November 11, 2023, in Kelso, Washington. 

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A rededication ceremony for the Blue Star Memorial Marker located in the Tahoma National Cemetery was held on August 12, 2023, in Kent, Washington.  Restoration of the marker was sponsored by the Chinook District of Garden Clubs.

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Gold Star Memorial Marker Dedication
at the Captain Joseph House in Port Angeles, Washington on October 25, 2023

Leianne Niccoli and Teresa Martin - Co-Presidents. Port Angeles Garden Club
Pam Ehtee, Gold Star Chairperson. Port Angeles Garden Club
Judy Swortz, Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs, Gold/Blue Star Chairperson
Eric Evans, Bagpiper 
Betsy Schultz, Captain Joseph House Foundation Founder and Gold Star Mother


​The Blue Star Memorial Program honors all men and women that serve in the United States Armed Services. This program began with the planting of 8,000 Dogwood trees by the New Jersey Council of Garden Clubs in 1944 as a living memorial to veterans of World War II. In 1945, the National Council of State Garden Clubs adopted this program and began a Blue Star Highway system that covers thousands of miles across the Continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii. A large metal Blue Star Memorial Highway Marker was placed at appropriate locations along the way.


What we see today is a program that has expanded to include all men and women who had served, were serving, or would serve in the armed services of the United States. Memorial Markers and By-Way markers were added to the Highway Markers, to be used at locations such as National cemeteries, parks, veteran's facilities and gardens.

The Blue Star became an icon in World War II and was seen on flags and banners in homes for sons and daughters away at war, and in churches and businesses. This program has been active all through the years to the present, a fitting tribute to our Armed Forces and especially now.


Attention - Please read the NGC notice regarding new pricing effective January 1, 2024.  Click HERE.


​Click HERE for "current" estimated costs through December 31, 2023.

For details, resources and additional forms from the National Garden Club, Click HERE:


WSFGC Chairman: Judy Swortz 


Cell: 360 359-4285 

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